The Mental Health Association in New Jersey’s Career Connection Employment Resource Institute (CCERI) expands employment opportunities for people in recovery by creating system change through the promotion of best practices. We offer training for providers, consumers, family members and employers as well as technical assistance for mental health providers. We also collaborate with other community organizations. Services are available at no cost to individuals and agencies.
Type of Training Available
Specialized Employment Training
Experts on a variety of subjects offer training to increase knowledge and skills in a
number of areas that impact vocational outcomes.
Onsite Customized Training (OCT)
OCT is customized by our experienced staff to meet the needs of the target audience.
Sessions are conveniently provided onsite at your location, eliminating staff travel.
55-Hour Partial Care Prevocational Training
This Prevocational Training series is approved by the New Jersey Division of Mental
Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS). Its goal is to increase staff’s vocational
competencies to prepare consumers for employment.
Examples of Available Training Topics
- Job Development
- Job Coaching
- Benefits
- Entrepreneurship
- Co-occurring Disabilities and Employment
- Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) for Work
- Motivational Interviewing
- Veteran’s Issues
- Re-entry
- Domestic Violence and the Workplace
- Social Media and Work
- Resume Development
- Career Counseling Techniques
- ADA and Reasonable Accommodations
Click here to see a graphic overview of Career Connection Employment Resource Institute.
For more information contact Carolyn Bazan, Director of CCERI, at cbazan@mhanj.org or (973) 571-4100, ext. 103.
This is a service of the Mental Health Association in New Jersey that is funded by the New Jersey Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services.