Whole Health Learning Collaborative

The Mental Health Association in New Jersey (MHANJ) is pleased to introduce New Jersey Peer Connections (NJCP) Whole Health Learning Collaborative. Funded by the New Jersey Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services, this new program provides service, technical assistance, and support to the 29 Division-funded wellness centers that are dedicated to people with mental health, substance use, co-occurring, and physical health conditions. The goal is to help to further the centers’ efforts toward a whole health approach.
“The MHANJ is excited to bring the Whole Health Learning Collaborative to the forefront of the peer movement in New Jersey and to help all the state’s wellness centers succeed with their wellness goals this year. We see this as a wonderful opportunity to highlight the work and the VALUE of our Wellness Centers as a vital part of our Peer Recovery Community Support Networks,” said Racheal O’Dea, MHANJ’s Deputy COO, and leader of the Whole Health Learning Collaborative Initiative.
Assistance will be provided through a six-pronged approach:
Technical assistance through on-site visits will enable collaboration between NJCP staff Mike Leotis and Amy Yennella and individual centers to identify needs, review current/past implementation steps and support their vision for the whole health approach. The mission is to help every center to reach the whole health goals of their communities and to create a statewide network of collaboration, advocacy, and support.
Regional events will be provided to promote socialization, engagement, and excitement for this year’s whole health goals and will help connect wellness center staff and members. They will support networking and the sharing of best practices between the centers. At the conclusion of this initiative, NJPC will host a Statewide Ceremony which will celebrate the collaborative efforts of all the Division funded wellness centers.
Wellness Center Whole Health Dollars will be made available for approved initiatives. NJPC staff will assist in disseminating applications for Wellness Dollars to help the wellness centers achieve their whole health goals. All applications will be reviewed, awarded, and executed by the NJPC team. Awards will be based on wellness center needs, population density, membership, creativity, etc.
A texting platform (through our vendor, GoMo Health) will be available for both wellness center staff and members to use to support the whole health project. Upon enrollment, staff and members will receive automated whole-health-themed messages approximately three times per week. The messages will provide a wide array of coping strategies, resources, reminders, and support. Messages about special events, webinars, and surveys will also be distributed. Through the platform, a live chat feature providing whole health resources will be available Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m.-to-1 p.m.
Virtual specialty information sessions and resources will be available through MHANJ’s Statewide Virtual Wellness Center, United by Wellness. This is yet another way to connect the whole health initiative to the community and provide support and assistance to wellness center staff.
A special community peer driven consortium, will combine the capabilities of the initiative and the wellness center, as well as whole health experts to assist in the efforts of the initiative.
The MHANJ looks forward to an exciting year of working with New Jersey’s Wellness Centers. Questions regarding Whole Health Learning Collaborative may be emailed to Mike Leotis at Mleotis@mhanj.org or Amy Yenella at AYennella@mhanj.org.