Recovery Family Support Services Program program offers non-clinical case management to family members in Ocean County impacted by addiction. Using evidence-based practices, Certified Peer Recovery Specialists provide emotional support, and empower and educate family members. They offer information and referrals to assist them with their own recovery journey so they may help those they love.
This is a free service for Ocean County residents 18 years of age and above, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 8 p.m., and Saturday by appointment.
For more information, contact Gary Sheridan, Care Manager, Consumer and Recovery Services at gsheridan@mhanj.org, or (732) 244-0940, or Michelle Price, CPRS, CRSP, CGRS, Director of the Mental Health Association in New Jersey in Ocean County, at mprice@mhanj.org or (732) 244-0940.
This is a service of the Mental Health Association in New Jersey in Ocean County funded by the Ocean County Health Department.