The Recovery Peer Outreach Support Team members provide ALL recovery non-clinical case management, transportation, and support groups to assist individuals with substance use and/or co-occurring disorder 18 years old and above in finding their personal recovery pathways. There is no cost to participate. Certified Peer Recovery Specialists, trained individuals in recovery from substance use disorder, provide emotional and experience-based support, using evidence-based practices, to individuals who are seeking to attain or maintain recovery. Collaboration between RPOST staff and the individual help those impacted to achieve goals and overcome barriers.
Services are provided Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-to-8 p.m. and Saturdays by appointment.
For more information, contact Gary Sheridan, Care Manager, Consumer and Recovery Services, at gsheridan@mhanj.org, or (732) 244-0940, or Michelle Price, CPRS, CRSP, CGRS, Director of the Mental Health Association in New Jersey in Ocean County, at mprice@mhanj.org, or (732) 244-0940.
This is a program of the Mental Health Association in New Jersey in Ocean County funded by the Ocean County Health Department.