The Mental Health Association in New Jersey (MHANJ) offers on-site presentations to workplaces, schools, health fairs, businesses and community organizations. Presentations are conducted by MHANJ staff or other qualified speakers. We can also arrange for an MHANJ staff person or volunteer to speak about a mental health topic from a personal perspective. This first-person viewpoint, combined with a discussion or role-play presentation, is a very effective educational tool.
The Community Education and Outreach Department is dedicated to promoting mental health and decreasing the stigma surrounding mental illness by providing education to enhance awareness and understanding. Programs include the Mental Health Players, PEWS (Promoting Emotional Wellness and Spirituality, WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) training and more.
Click here for more information. If you have any questions, please contact Lynette Sheard, Director of the New Jersey Mental Health Players and Coordinator of Community Education, at lsheard@mhanj.org or 973-571-4100, ext. 104.